Before You Buy | Kona Vanilla
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A few things to know before you buy

Gourmet or Extraction? Single-fold or Double?


Vanilla is a flavoring that can be used for gourmet cooking and baking or for creating vanilla extractions. There are two main characteristics that sets the two apart: moisture content and appearance. One is more suitable for cooking recipes which is referred to as Gourmet vanilla where the seeds or caviar are scraped and added to recipes. Whereas, the other is used for making vanilla products that call for extraction or another ingredient that is added to aid in the development of the final product such as paste, syrups and powders. We call these Extraction vanilla. 


Our gourmet vanilla range between 7 (18cm) and almost 9 inches (23cm) in length. They are dark chocolate brown with visible oil and no more than 3/4 inch (2cm) tip split. They are plump, pliable and full of fresh vanilla caviar. Moisture content is 30% or more. Rich in vanillin concentration (vanillin being the compound in vanilla that is responsible for the unique taste and smell). 


Extraction vanilla is also dark chocolate brown between 4 and 7 inches in length with few visible imperfections, drier and less pliable. Can have some splits on ends. The smaller bean has moisture content between 20 and 29%. Lower level of moisture helps to create a more concentrated vanilla flavor. Best for extracts, sugars, syrups, powders and paste.


Both categories are exceptional for your end creation! Why not grab several ounces of both. We also offer Grade B for the budget minded connoisseur.


Now go shopping and have some fun with vanilla!

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