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Meet the Farmers



I spend most of my days tending to the vanilla, early morning hand pollination in the spring and harvesting and curing in the winter. Packaging and shipping in between. I am grateful for my daughter's help in this venture as I truly couldn't do it alone. The rest of the time is spent managing our 5-acre fruit farm with 130 mango trees, papayas, pineapple, dragon fruit, guava, cacao, and all the citrus you could ask for! 


In my spare time I enjoy nature: watching the Hawaiian wildlife, hiking the tropical trails or beaches, or diving the deep waters with my husband. When at home I enjoy my family and Rocky, my 16 year old Havanese.​


Originally from Colorado, Stephanie moved to the Big Island to be closer to family and to live aloha. Stephanie enjoys surrounding herself with beauty and nature, whether it be swimming, snorkeling, paddle boarding, hiking, camping or tending to the vanilla. A naturopathic doctor by trade, she loves expressing her creativity by making herbal medicine and teas. 


Stephanie shares in the pollination and harvesting duties as well as building and maintaining the vanilla structures and the never ending job of weed pulling! She also is our lead marketing specialist and social media developer. 

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