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Vanilla Horchata

Prep Time:

5 1/2 Hours

Cook Time:

15 Minutes






  • 1 1/4 cups long grain white rice (dry uncooked)

  • 1/2 cup sliced almonds

  • 2 cinnamon sticks

  • 4 cups cold water

  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar, or more to taste

  • 1 vanilla bean (sliced lengthwise)

  • 2 cups whole milk


Step 1

Begin by soaking rice, cinnamon and almonds in a bowl for at least 5 hours to tenderize and soften. Strain and dispose of any remaining liquid.

Step 2

Heat the milk, sugar and whole sliced vanilla bean in a sauce pan until sugar has melted and mixture is well blended. Do not boil. Remove from heat and cool.

Step 3

When cool remove the vanilla bean from milk mixture. Remove any remaining vanilla seeds from pod and return seeds to milk mixture.

Step 4

In a blender combine the strained rice & milk mixture. Blend on high until smooth. Serve over ice.

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